One last thing about Kim Kardashian’s instafame: are you surprised that she gets hundreds of thousands of dollars for one sponsored post she uploads? KM: The increase in value of the world of things is directly proportional to the decrease in value of the human world.

Desire cannot be satisfied because it is defined in lack, but it can be recreated in fantasy.

Schiffbruch mit Drohne

Towards a New Political Paradigm in Times of Social Amnesia

It is not the artwork at the hub of the artistic dynamics but the process.

Something with aesthetic qualities means something that hast the power to seduce.

Deliberate Destruction

Étant donnés

Liminal Fetish and Diffuse Image at 1350°

The digital stucco becomes part of the process of the “emancipation of the sign”.

Not paying interns may sound like a bagatelle but it can also be interpreted as a symptom of an ill profession.

All Fires the Fire

Exterminating Angel

Freedom requires creating institutions and practices; it involves shaping new and durable worlds. And this is a task that every generation must bear anew.

We are too busy with ourselves.

A Natural Art Without Nature: Scherabon’s Singular Existences

The perfect dictatorship begins when the regime turns people spying on themselves, vigilant, infamous. Anytime, anywhere, the other is not a we.

Aber können wir es uns als Gesellschaft leisten, auf die Utopie zu verzichten?

Reguetón Theory

Clear Aesthetics: The Myth of Minimalism


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