Liminal Fetish and Diffuse Image at 1350°

Total transparency is only possible through total control—the latter only exists in a dictatorship.

Contemporary art’s vast roster includes Alicja Kwade who is doing good in becoming a part of today’s avant-garde pretending Bürger was wrong.

An Algorithmic Odyssey

Raping the Reader: Politics as Disturbance

In art one can identify the issue of corruption as a matter of disconnection and non-representation.

Wieder einmal ist der Schiffbruch zur zentralen Metapher für einen politischen Umbruch und gleichzeitig zur grausamen Realität geworden.

A Natural Art Without Nature: Scherabon’s Singular Existences

Clear Aesthetics: The Myth of Minimalism

Weaving the Multi-Layered Web of (Digital) Power

Below the Asphalt Lies the Beach

Politics means breaking with consistency; it means breaking with what is known and already visible.

The Edited Body for a Particular Purpose

Desire cannot be satisfied because it is defined in lack, but it can be recreated in fantasy.

Towards a New Political Paradigm in Times of Social Amnesia

All Fires the Fire

Étant donnés

What Else You Got

The Power of Absence

Art and aesthetics are a kind of problematic equation, perhaps a forgotten or even interrupted relationship that has to be reconsidered over and over again.


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