Contemporary art’s vast roster includes Alicja Kwade who is doing good in becoming a part of today’s avant-garde pretending Bürger was wrong.

In art one can identify the issue of corruption as a matter of disconnection and non-representation.

Freedom that we are in desperate need of.

Weaving the Multi-Layered Web of (Digital) Power

Total transparency is only possible through total control—the latter only exists in a dictatorship.

Art and aesthetics are a kind of problematic equation, perhaps a forgotten or even interrupted relationship that has to be reconsidered over and over again.

Towards a New Political Paradigm in Times of Social Amnesia

Karl Marx Muses Over the Kardashians & Instafame

Desire cannot be satisfied because it is defined in lack, but it can be recreated in fantasy.

Aber können wir es uns als Gesellschaft leisten, auf die Utopie zu verzichten?

Reguetón Theory

Liminal Fetish and Diffuse Image at 1350°

A Natural Art Without Nature: Scherabon’s Singular Existences

What comes to light now, though, is the territory beyond the Uncanny Valley.

All Fires the Fire

Is the result of biogenetics not that we, “ordinary” humans, effectively are that—humans who don’t know they are not humans, i.e., neuronal machines with self-awareness?

There is a fine line between destruction as creative or nihilistic act—and it all comes down to the ideas behind it.

Clear Aesthetics: The Myth of Minimalism

Where else would one feel ecstasies and raptures if not in and with one’s own body?

What Else You Got


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